Alivio primarily uses the following AWS Services:
- ECR: Elastic Container Registry for storing Docker Images.
- EC2: An elastic load balancer to handle changing user demand.
- RDS: A relational database service.
- WAF: A web application firewall for security.
This document covers the following:
- Deploying the application to the ECR (Elastic Container Registry) and loading it into the ELB (Elastic Load Balancer)
- The web application firewall (WAF)
Deploying to ECR, pushing to ELB.
To redeploy the application on AWS, follow the steps in the section below:
- The main branch of the application has a file named deploy-image.sh running this script will push the docker image to ECR.
- If the script stops working or isn’t available for whatever reason, the commands for the script can be found at the AWS Management Console.
- Google > AWS Management Console > Services > ECR > Repositories > alivio-testing -> View Push Commands
Now do the following:
- Run the script:
$ bash deploy-image.sh
- Go to: AWS Management Console > Elastic Beanstalk > Environments > environment_name (e.g Aliviotest1-env) > Click Upload and Deploy > Select Dockerrun.aws.json
- Done!
WAF (End to End Encryption)
This section details how to add a new ACL (Access Control List) and link it to an existing application. It requires the following steps already be completed:
- A docker image has been created and pushed to ECR, and that it is also on an ELB.
- There is a ALB (Application Load Balancer) that is linked to an EC2 Instance.
To add more rules to the ACL:
Google > AWS Management Console > Services > WAF and Shield > Web ACL’s > Region=US-east-2 (ohio)
Currently the only ACL is alivioTestingACL, in the future if we ever need to make a new ACL (development vs live use), follow these steps:
Go to the ACL: google > AWS Management Console > Services > WAF and Shield > Web ACL’s, click: create web ACL, use the following fields:
- Resource Type: Regional resources (we’re using an ALB)
- Region: US-East (Ohio)
Associated AWS resources =
(i) The console states this step is optional in the start-up process, it is NOT optional, here you must link your ACL to the EC2 instance. Without this step the ACL will not stand in-front of any requests for the ALB.
(ii) If (i) doesn’t work, it should also be possible to go to Services > EC2 > instance_name > security groups and then link the ACL there (although I didn’t have success with this method at the time of writing).
Once the ACL has been generated, add any rules you need, the testing-build uses the following.
- A regional rule (only allow access from Guatemala, US)
- Rule for SQL injections
- General AWS safety rules